What TIP means 
to Bernie and Judy

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What TIP means 
to Bernie and Judy

Bank FIrst directors Bernie Lloyd and Judy Crowe have both had long and successful careers in education.

Today, they sit around the Bank First board table, Bernie as Chair and Judy as a director.

From running a school and educating our leaders of the future to sitting on a bank board – that's quite a career change – but both are firm in their views that Bank First isn’t just another bank.

We asked both Bernie and Judy to reflect on Bank First’s 30 years of the Teaching Initiatives Program (TIP).

Bernie and Judy

You’ve both had long and successful careers in education. We’re celebrating 30 years of TIP and reflecting on three decades of TIP. Where were you 30 years ago?


Thirty years ago I was an English teacher in the small town of Lake Bolac. I was about to switch my bank to Victoria Teachers Credit Union as I was heading to Minneapolis, Minnesota as an international teaching fellow. That switch was to play a critical part in my professional career in that I would become a Director of the bank in 2012.


Thirty years ago I was working as an Educational Psychologist providing services to about thirty schools in the western district of Victoria. This gave me a good understanding of the very diverse needs of students in special settings, as well as in primary and secondary schools. It was a pivotal time in my career and shaped many of the perspectives that I took into subsequent Principal positions in secondary schools.

TIP funding is not for major infrastructure projects or salaries … successful TIP schools receive anything from $500 - $3000 … $30,000 TIP pool set aside every year. Why is TIP important for schools?


The amounts may seem minor but they make a huge difference to a cash strapped school which has a teacher with a wonderful idea for a project. I should know as I was awarded one in the early 2000s. It became the seeding funding for a long- lasting indigenous program at my school which changed the way we explored First Nations history and culture.


TIP is important because schools often do not have the spare funds to support initiatives that can make a real difference to students. Teachers work hard, and financial support for a program they are passionate about can provide a real boost to morale. This support shows teachers that the particular program is seen as important by an organisation beyond the school itself.

Over the years you’ve been on the board, you’ve presented TIP certificates to successful schools – are there any projects that stand out for you?


I always loved the humble, simple projects like a laundry set up for a special school to enable students to practice domestic skills. I was drawn to projects about frogs and bees. I was presenting a cheque to one school and an ex-student of mine was a teacher at the assembly. That was a thrilling reunion. My favourite of all time, though, was Sassafras Primary where my father had taught and I sat in his classroom on my 5th birthday as a special treat and decided that day that I would become a teacher.


The projects that stand out for me are the ones that are aimed at nurturing different talents in students and giving them opportunities that they otherwise would not have. Any project that means that students engage more with their school is worth supporting, because the benefit extends beyond the project itself.

As a former teacher/principal – you’re a director/Chair on a bank board! But it’s not just any bank board. Why is Bank First important in the Australian banking landscape?


Banking needs banks like Bank First. They have their origins in collective will, cooperation and service. They serve communities that care by caring about them. It’s compelling.


Bank First is important because it is a bank that really does put the interests of its members first. We exist to serve our members, and we have not wavered from this purpose over the 50 years of our existence. Our members work hard to serve their communities and they deserve a bank that understands their circumstances.

Anything else you would like to add in regard to TIP and its impact on the Victorian education sector over the years?


I love the school visits. It’s like coming home for me.


The program keeps the connection between Bank First and schools practical and dynamic. I love visiting schools and reading about the fantastic work being done by teachers. Teachers are often so busy that they do not stop to draw attention to their great work. TIP is one way Bank First can demonstrate our recognition of their work.