John Fawkner College

Owl - Looking at front

John Fawkner College

In 2023, VCE Vocational Major students secured funding for the installation of flag poles to fly the three federal flags as a sign of acknowledgement and reconciliation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. 

In 2024, VCE VM students have undertaken a project to create a Reconciliation Garden and have received 232 seedlings from Merri-bek Council. 

Our proposed garden seeks to connect the school environment to neighbouring Indigenous grasslands along the Merri Creek and serve as a living educational resource about our First Nations people and cultures. 

It coincides with the school's commitment to establish a Reconciliation Action Plan. The garden will sit at the base of the flags at the entrance to the school and welcome visitors to the site.

Bank First funding will help with temporary fencing. Students have assessed a risk to the plants from other students entering the space and damaging seedlings that are to be planted. They also need gardening gloves for protection against insect bites, splinters and scratches while preparing the site and planting.

Successful idea info

Protecting our Reconciliation Garden

Fencing to protect our school's living educational space where students learn about First Nations people and cultures.


Indigenous and Torres Strait Island cultures

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