Kalinda Primary School

Owl - Looking at front

Kalinda Primary School

Kalinda Primary School Kalinda Road001 Kalinda Primary School Kalinda Road002 Kalinda Primary School Kalinda Road003

We are implementing a school community plastic recycling program that will ultimately enable students to use micro-recycling machinery to recycle plastics at school. These recycled plastics will be used in our STEM program for 3D printing.

Through this initiative, we aim to engage students in STEM experiences they might not otherwise have access to. 

Students and staff will develop skills in identifying and sorting plastics, empowering them to actively participate in addressing environmental challenges.

This initiative aligns with the Department of Education and Training (DET) priorities and goals. The 'STEM in the Education State' plan emphasises the need to equip Victorian learners of all ages and backgrounds with essential STEM skills and capabilities for the future. 

The plan sets specific goals, including:

  • Within five years for Year 5 students, and ten years for Year 9 students, 25% more will reach the highest levels of achievement in mathematics.
  • Over 10 years, there will be a 33% increase in the proportion of 15-year-olds reaching the highest levels of achievement in scientific literacy.

Successful idea info

We're recycling our own plastics!

A school community plastic recycling program that will ultimately enable students to use micro-recycling machinery to recycle plastics at school. These recycled plastics will be used in our STEM program for 3D printing.



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