Northern Darebin Combined Kindergarten Association

Owl - Looking at front

Northern Darebin Combined Kindergarten Association

Gellibrand Crescent Kindergarten002 Gellibrand Crescent Kindergarten001 Blake Street Kindergarten004 Blake Street Kindergarten003 Blake Street Kindergarten002 Blake Street Kindergarten001

The aim of our project is to build a compost bin and a vegetable garden so that children at our three kindergarten sites can learn about and participate in reducing waste, the impact it has on the environment and understand the cycle of growing vegetables. 

The children will be involved in collecting scraps, sorting recyclable materials, and managing food waste. 

They will also be designing the new garden beds, growing the plants from seed, caring for the plants and harvesting and eating the produce! 

The expected outcomes of the project include our students learning the plant life cycle and where food comes from.

The children will learn about sustainability, the ecosystem and environmental awareness through this process. 

They will also get an understanding of the plant process, by being able to see the entire plant process from planting to harvesting and then eating the produce and promoting healthy choices.

Successful idea info

Three times the compost and gardening fun

All three kindergarten sites will benefit from the installation of compost bins and vegetable gardens.



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