St Joseph's is aiming to build a permanent kitchen space within the existing Kitchen Garden for students to learn to cook healthy dishes from food they have planted, maintained and harvested.
The repurposed shipping container kitchen will become an integral part of the Kitchen Garden program and a hub for integrated learning opportunities across other curriculum areas and special needs programs.
The creation of a kitchen space will increase the skills of the students in the kitchen, allowing them to cook with more ingredients from the garden. Students will also have access to more equipment in a kitchen space, allowing them to cook a wider range of dishes.
Our kitchen space will increase the skills of all students, enabling them to cook with ingredients from the school garden.
All three kindergarten sites will benefit from the installation of compost bins and vegetable gardens.
Growing our own herbs and vegetables to use in our Food Rocks program covering breakfast, morning tea and lunch.
Using science and pocket microscopes to increase students' understanding of biodiversity in the schoolyard.