A STEM incursion which allows all students, regardless of disability, to access high-quality experiences to facilitate learning. A collaborative approach which sets the standard for inclusive education.
Total cost for 42 Secondary SDS school students to experience a Billy Cart Building incursion.
As a new SDS school, our secondary students do not currently have access to specialist MDT, PE or STEM teachers and students' high levels of disability often minimises opportunities for explicit team building learning events.
Exposure to core vocabulary, STEM and design skill-building, hands-on experience and opportunity to work as a team is key learning for our secondary students.
Wayi staff will work with incursion staff so all our students are able to access the specialist STEM activity with the accommodations and supports necessary for access and success, regardless of their level of disability.
A STEM incursion to develop team building, problem solving and self-regulation skills. With a fun Billy Cart ride to look forward to.
Our school caters to students with intellectual disabilities from ages 5 years through to 18 years.
We identified a need for accessible communication means in our playground areas to increase student outcomes in relation to communication, to increase socialisation between students and have communication means accessible to all of our students, including those with a physical disability.
Specifically designed aided language (visual) banners in our school yard will support all of our students, helping them communicate with staff and their peers.
We have already started the process, by extending it to our outdoor play areas it will be an enhanced, and seamless transition for our students.
Providing students with visual banners across their learning environments.
A school community plastic recycling program that will ultimately enable students to use micro-recycling machinery to recycle plastics at school. These recycled plastics will be used in our STEM program for 3D printing.
Using science and pocket microscopes to increase students' understanding of biodiversity in the schoolyard.
A STEM incursion to develop team building, problem solving and self-regulation skills. With a fun Billy Cart ride to look forward to.